domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

redactar un parrafo de 10 lineas hacerca de lo que hiciste en tus vacaciones pasadas en ingles

went on vacation to the beach but to be tasting a lot of pets or animals (a parrot, four dogs, seven turtles, a rabbit, nine hens and three roosters) travel I felt a bit tricky because if you wanted we were planning to go all around, first spoke with a friend to look after the pet after we buy enough food or animal feed, end clothing and food that we were going to take us to go to the beach preparing everything for a full day then you did get up at four in the morning and ready to go to the beach, we arrived early and we took a taxi after seeing come to the bus station take the bus to the bus Ocumare tasting had air conditioning was a long trip and I even fall asleep, we reached the beach and the first thing we did was look for a kiosk to eat some good empanadas in quiosquito always eat there, then enjoyed the beach for hours just to eat because we had as hungry after the half past four arranged to return after we boarded the bus and came home very tired from the trip.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

10 oraciones usando las preposiciones in, on y at

MR.A: sorry I could that where is the supermarket?
MR.B:.yes, taken in the direction north near the Avenue.
taken in two blocks north.
taken in the direction of college after two blocks take right
taken on the direction of North Avenue
making four blocks in a west direction right and then turn right over two notebooks
north in front of the Chinese restaurant
at the school takes two right blocks
takes two blocks to the right in the direction the north and continue straight
takes four blocks to the left in direction the cafeteria and then continue straight two blocks
takes four blocks left and then continue in front of two blocks
Mr.A: gracias por tu ayuda, bye.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Mr.A: sorry but I could that where is the supermarket
Mr.B: go two blocks right and then take four more blocks north and be in front of supermarket
Mr.A: thanks for your help, bye.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

hacer un ejercicio en comparativo y superlativo usando los abjtivos de  la pagina 88

pedro is younger than jhon
the Necklace of carolina is more expensive than of marta

carla is the bigest in the women
paticia is the most difficult of the women

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Hacer oraciones con cada possessive abjetives y possessive pronouns
possessive abjetives:
this is my car
this is your car
its the credit bureau
such is his laptop
the cars are for her
this is our home
these are their cars

possessive pronouns:
this pen is mine
the pizza is yours
its on the house
such is his car
the cars are for hers
these are ours friends
These laptop is theirs

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

normas del buen hablante y del buen oyente y algunos ejemplos de esta

Normas del hablante y oyente

Normas del buen oyente1. Mirar a los ojos al hablante.
ejemplo: si el profesor esta explicando sobre un tema se le debe mirar
2. Atender a lo que dice.

ejemplo: al profesor que explica , los alumno no deben estar lanzando taquito o molestando en su clase
3. Evitar interrumpir al hablante.

ejemplo: si el profesor esta dando la clase no debe haber grupos hablando
4. Esperar que el hablante termine, para responder.

ejemplo:si un profesor esta dando una clase y pregunta algo, y sale un alumno y responde antes de que el profesor termine de hablar eso es de mal gusto para el profesor.
Normas del buen hablante
1. Expresarse en forma clara y sencilla.

ejemplo:si una persona esta hablando y todo lo que dice no se entiende.
2. Mirar a las personas con quien se habla.

ejemplo:se debe obcervar a la persona a la cual se le habla ya que es de mal gusto no mirar a la pesona a la cual se le hable.
3. Utilizar un tono de voz adecuado.

ejemplo: se usa un todo adecuado al hablar ya que seria muy ruidoso hablar sin moderacion
4. Pronunciar correctamente las palabras.

ejemplo: no se entenderia nada si se habla con un dialecto no acorde a la otra persona